Unleash the Power of Lightroom: How I Turned One Photo into $20,000 in Profits

Feb 09, 2023

In this video, I will tell you the story of how I started as a photographer and the one piece of advice I got that changed everything;

Shooting at the right time of the day. I was obsessed with a photographer's photo from 1936 from Brassai. A beautiful photo of the stairs of Montmartre, the oldest part of Paris.

I went there about 12 times until I came to the perfect night. I found a new framing, and I show in the video the exact workflow in Lightroom to retouch it.

I challenge you to download the raw file and retouch it to your style; you can post it on social media using the @photoserge 

Download the raw file here: https://www.photoserge.com/raw-files-how-i-made-over-20-000-with-this-photo 

Get my new lightroom  book by watching my latest workshop here:


You will get it at the end


50% Complete

Two Step

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