The stories behind my photos
This is a nice little street I found in Angers while walking around, I love to just wander in a city and find great spots, it’s always fun! Do you do that when you discover a new city?
This is such an incredible place in Paris, very aesthetic! It was hard for me to find a good angle because the place is just so big but I love to have the fountain as the foreground element, what...
I love this place it is so unique I had so much fun making a book about this city! You can find it on amazon ;-) have you ever been?
I love this monument very much, it is so artistic and with a good sunset you can create amazing images! You might be surprise by the lack of magenta in this photo but I love the neutral tones in...
Hello fellow Francophiles, Paris lovers and admirers of all things romantic! In this article we are going to talk about the most Romantic City in the World. No, sorry, it's not Berlin, nice try...
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