My Blog

The stories behind my photos

Alexandre III bridge, Paris

Jun 27, 2020

This is one of my favorite bridge in Paris, the architecture is just so incredible! That night I had the most amazing sunset and was very happy with this photo! Have you ever seen a sunset like...

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Ratatouille view!

Jun 20, 2020

Ratatouille view!
I love this view it is one of my favorite. It is the view you see on the ratatouille movie! Paris is such a beautiful city! Where is your favorite view of Paris?

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Paris view from Tour Montparnasse

Jun 10, 2020

This is still one of my favorite spot to catch the sunset in Paris. You can never go wrong with this angle, such a great opportunity for photographers to capture the heart of Paris! Have you ever...

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Notre Dame, Paris

May 30, 2020

This is a very long exposure I did a while ago, I love to shoot long exposure when there is great contrast during the day, it’s fun to turn it into a black and white

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New York, NYC

May 05, 2020

I first found that place thanks to one of my student I met during a photowalk, this is a brilliant spot, love the leading line, guiding the eyes into the city, every time I went to NYC I went back...

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Montmartre, Paris

Apr 29, 2020

Montmartre is such an iconic place, if you get a chance to visit Paris you need to see Montmartre, it is his own world, full or artists and beauty! One of my favorite place to photograph!

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Venice, Italy!

Apr 02, 2020
Loved shooting that night, the sky was incredible, everything was perfect, the boat the lighting! I was a happy man! Do you ever have everything that falls perfectly so you have the perfect...
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Iceland Selfie!

Mar 08, 2020

This place is truly magical! I set my tripod and camera on 10sec and ran over there to take this shot, I love the colors, the mood and the environment was truly magical, I used the foot steps as a...

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The Best Photography Locations in Paris

Mar 05, 2020

Hello fellow Francophiles, Paris lovers and admirers of all things romantic! In this article we are going to talk about the most Romantic City in the World. No, sorry, it's not Berlin, nice try...

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