My Blog

The stories behind my photos

The Louvre, Paris

Jul 04, 2020

When for the first time the Pyramid was put at the Louvre Parisian didn’t like it so much but now I really love it and I was lucky to catch that nice sunset there so I can’t complain...

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The Louvre, Paris

Jun 18, 2020

I can’t wait to go back to Paris and walk around, taking photos! This day I was very lucky with the sunset! Just the perfect light to get a shot :-) where are you exited to travel?

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The Best Photography Locations in Paris

Mar 05, 2020

Hello fellow Francophiles, Paris lovers and admirers of all things romantic! In this article we are going to talk about the most Romantic City in the World. No, sorry, it's not Berlin, nice try...

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