Shooting and retouching workflow

HDR Masterclass



Course Overview

This is my full HDR shooting and retouching workflow updated with the latest methods for 2017. I will show you how to use the Amazing Aurora HDR and HDR Efex Pro to get amazing HDR results! I show you my detailed workflow to retouch HDR using Lightroom, and Photoshop (including digital blending). These 25 lessons cover 12 full photoshoots!




2 Hours 49 Minutes


Beginner to Intermediate


Aurora HDR, Lightroom CC, Photoshop CC, HDR Efex Pro

Lessons: Part 1

HDR intro Camera Settings

HDR Camera Settings and Intro

Aurora HDR intro

In this video I will show how in a couple of clicks we can retouch the photo that was just shot in downtown Los Angeles

HDR Efex Pro Windows

For Windows user I'm going to process the same sunset downtown Los Angeles Photo this time using the free software from Google HDR Efex Pro

Aurora HDR Downtown Sunset

This time we are going to dive down more in the menus retouching another photo from our live shoot of Downtown Los Angeles

HDR Efex Pro Blue hour downtown

For Windows user I'm going to process the same blue hour downtown Los Angeles Photo this time using the free software from Google HDR Efex Pro

Grand Canyon sunrise Aurora HDR

Let's do a classic sunrise retouch with doing a bit of work in Lightroom to get the colors right before jumping into Aurora

Grand Canyon sunrise Efex

Let’s retouch the same series with Efex Pro and see what we get

Antelope Canyon Aurora

A series of brackets from the famous canyon. You will see the importance of layers to create contrast of glow vs detailed

Antelope Canyon Efex

Same series with Efex pro. This time we don’t retouch before going into the plugin

Lessons: Part 2

Mont Saint Michel HDR

In this video we will make this a little tougher with retouching the sky before going into the software and erasing tourist in the final result with the help of Photoshop

Mont Saint Michel EFex Pro

In this video I’m going to try to do the same thing with Efex Pro, but this time I’m not very happy about the result

Digital Blending

Sometime when you want to select what photo is going to give what element, the way to do is good old digital blending in Photoshop

Corsica Aurora

In this video I want to show you on you can bring back a warm sunset using a special preset in Aurora

Corsica Efex Pro

In this video I show you the same photo then video 12 but this time in HDR Efex pro !

Aurora Ghost Reduction New Zealand

In this video I will show you the ghost reduction features and how important it is when you have moving objects

Efex Pro New Zealand

As usual let’s process this series and you will see very fast the limitation of HDR Efex Pro

Aurora Paris

A classic high dynamic scene handled greatly by Aurora HDR

Efex pro failure

In this video you will see that I will not be able to HDR the same photo because the Fstop are too far apart and the result is not nice

Lessons: Part 3

Aurora New York Long exposure

Playing around with a ND filter can give you some funny experience, we are going to use this amazing feature in Aurora to get one of the exposure partially painted back in !

Efex New York Long Exposure

This series are very well handled by Efex pro and give a cool HDR result  

Single HDR - Part 1

You can also use Aurora and other HDR programs to retouch one photo instead of 3 and use it’s power to give it a look

Single HDR - Part 2

You can also use Efex PRO to retouch one photo instead of 3 and use it’s power to give it a look, we have less options then in Aurora but it still cool !

Aurora Black and White HDR

You can also use an HDR software to create super dramatic Black and white

Efex Black and white

Let’s explore the workflow of Black and White using HDR Efex pro

Aurora Irish Bar

Walls and old city with great textures do well with HDR

HDR and Sky replacement

In this final workflow we are going to retouch first in Lightroom, then HDR, then replace the sky and so some final touches a revision of the most complex workflow !

Shooting and retouching workflow

HDR Masterclass




50% Complete

Two Step

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