Simple Workflows for Creating Beautiful Panoramas

Photoshop: Panoramas



Course Overview

This training course will take you through all the steps for making great panoramas. From shooting to retouching your raw files first in Camera Raw and then merging them in Photoshop CS 6. You will also find out how to make HDR panoramas with the help of Photomatix and how to correct wide lens distortions. Get access to amazing high-res pictures (raw files) so you can follow along the retouch process and get the same results!




57 Minutes







Welcome to this course on making panoramas, let me show you everything we are going to cover

How to Shoot a Day Pano

In this video, I will show you in the field how to set up your camera to shoot panoramas during the day

Prepare Raw Files for the Day Pano

We are going to see what to do with the raw files out of the camera and what retouching needs to be done before we merge them together

Merging the Day Pano

We are going to see what to do with the raw files out of the camera and what retouching needs to be done before we merge them together

Final Touches Day Pano

Here we do all the final touches to our panorama

Lessons: Part 2

Shooting the HDR night pano

In this video, I will show you in the field how to set up your camera to shoot panoramas during the evening

Preparing Raw Files for the Night Pano

Here we prepare our HDR night pano RAW files

Tone Mapping the Night Pano

Using Photomatix to create our HDR peices for our pano, and tone map them: taking our 3 exposures and blending them together into one photo

Retouch & Merge the HDR Night Pano

Now we take our final 7 HDR photos, retouch them and merge them into a really high resolution beautfiul panorama

Retouch & Merge the non-HDR Night Pano

This video we take our-non bracketed night time shot and create our panorama without using HDR


50% Complete

Two Step

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