Lightroom Brushes for Portrait Retouching

Lightroom Brush Presets - Portrait Essentials



Product Overview

Lightroom Brushes for Portrait Retouching. This Lightroom Brush Preset pack contains 15 brushes specifically for retouching portraits. This pack includes: Darken, Enhance Details, Eyes Whiten, Eyes, Hair Add Contrast, Lighten, Lips Bright, Lips Full, Rouge, Skin Cool, Skin Rosy, Skin Warm, Soft Skin, Under Eyes & Whiten Teeth.

I really love Lightroom Brush Presets, they are a quick and powerful way to make dramatic adjustments or subtle, but important, corrections to portraits. They make it simple to create amazing looking eyes, add color, make lips fuller, skin softer, and more. They also work in the Radial & Graduated filter tools for bigger corrections.

Showing masked area under eyes using "Under Eyes" brush preset

Showing masked area for mouth using brush preset "Lips Full"

Adding detail to the hair with the Hair Contrast Preset Brush

Rouge Brush Preset adding color to the cheeks

Whitening Teeth Brush Preset

Adding depth with the Darken Preset Brush

Under-eyes Brush Preset

Adding depth with the Darken Preset Brush

Making the Eyes pop with the Eyes Brush Preset


50% Complete

Two Step

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